Digital Emergency Planning
Crises management
Constantly Updated
About DBI

Event handling and crisis management

Digital Emergency Planning has a build-in event handling system so that all categories of events can be set up and attached to Action Cards. This makes it possible for employees with certain contingency responsibilities to be activated through flash text, regular text or e-mail. This means that employees can be activated in time and thereby minimize the effect of an event.

The employees can see their Action Cards and reply when the acts have been executed. The crises management will be updated automatically and has a constant overview of where the company is in the series of events, which action has been done and what needs to be done. Digital Emergency Planning gives you the opportunity to communicate with the employees during the event. The platform secures that all communication and acts will be logged and saved for later evaluation and documentation.

The manager of a crisis can follow the development of the event live through a dashboard. The dashboard shows all active Action Cards and has a digital whiteboard attached for further comments. The manager can also set up new Action Cards online during an event and counter possible unpredicted elements in a crisis – and on that note to act quickly, actively and effectively. After the critical event has been handled and completed, the manager can deregister it from a pivotal state. The manager can also tell all – or some of – the employees about the repeal of the event.