Digital Emergency Planning
DBI’s Digital Emergency Planning is a unique tool for your company and alert accountable
DBI’s digital contingency plan focuses on a pragmatic and action-oriented approach, in addition to clarity and availability that gives your company the right stand on contingency planning.
Since the digital contingency plan will be built in relation to business, size of the company, and complexity, it will target your exact company and specific circumstances.Aside from facilitation, DBI will help your company with implementing the plan.
The digital contingency plan is not only about fire. It also treats your and your company’s risk objects, supports the development of a safety and emergency policy, and contributes to having a positive safety culture within the company.Digital Emergency Planning is a central element in your company’s fundamental contingency planning.
An online contingency plan helps your company’s alert accountable by generating a greater knowledge to employees about emergency exits and evacuation processes, comprising emergency exit plans, and emergency assembly point.
The online contingency plan can be complemented with a safety equipment bag that supports the operational activities and helps reduce the downtime after an event.
Digital Emergency Planning builds on the idea of being easy and user-friendly, lithe and dynamic plus accustomed and incorporated.
This idea means that Digital Emergency Planning will become an active part of the daily life in your company and ensures that employees find the use logic. With DBI as the host of your online contingency plan it will not be breaking down because of an event at your company.